Enterococci in men – symptoms and treatment of infection

Enterococci in men – symptoms and treatment of infection

Enterococcus faecalis is an oval bacillus of a small shape that exists in the stronger sex with normal microflora in every organism. It is located in the intestine on the lining of the genitourinary system. After taking antibiotics, when other bacilli are destroyed, the microorganism multiplies and takes their place. This leads to inflammatory processes in the urine, decreased potency, depression and weakness. At the beginning of the infection, men may not notice such symptoms, but if they are detected at an early stage, then special treatment will not be required to sufficiently strengthen the immune system.

What provokes the development of bacteria?

Enterococcus fecal in the stronger sex, due to high immunity, may not manifest itself in any way, that is, the immune system can cope with it on its own. However, if, for certain reasons, health decreases, then the number of these bacteria increases dramatically, which is a danger to the body.

After undergoing treatment with antibiotics, this parasite only progresses, it is resistant to various drugs. Faecalis, in men, affects the intestines. The development of this microorganism causes pathologies in the genitourinary system (these include cystitis, urethritis, andexitis, hyelonephritis).

Causes of bacterial development:

  • vitamin deficiency;
  • malnutrition;
  • various diseases;
  • weak immunity;
  • chronic prostatitis.

Vitamin deficiency is a lack of nutrients in the body. Signs include lethargy, drowsiness, constant illness, irritability, poor appetite. It can be mistaken for a temporary decline in strength, but this will be a mistake. In order to prevent such a cause of enterococcus, it is necessary to constantly take various types of vitamins, monitor nutrition, exercise and exclude tea, coffee, alcohol and carbonated drinks.

What prevents being a healthy man? Improper nutrition causes serious disorders in the body and various diseases, including enterococcus. To avoid this, it is necessary to monitor the diet. Exclude harmful products. Do not eat on the go or in front of the TV. Most of the food should be fruits and vegetables.

When a person is sick, he uses medications, including antibiotics. They lead to a violation of the microflora. And this is the main reason for the reproduction of enterococcus fecal due to the reduction of other bacteria. The immune system weakens, and the bacillus develops.

Immunity is the body’s ability to fight infections. To increase it, you need to use special vitamins and minerals. This can be done through nutrition (fruits, fermented milk and seafood, green tea, proteins). An active lifestyle will also improve your health. Another way is hardening (pouring, contrast shower).

Chronic prostatitis is one of the most common diseases of the genitals. It occurs because the genitourinary system is not cured in time, which leads to the development of enterococcus. The first sign is cutting or aching pains in the lower abdomen. The duration of sexual intercourse decreases. Ultimately, pain is present with every urination.

Signs of the disease

Fecal enterococcus leads to various disorders in the reproductive system and on the intestinal mucosa. It all depends on where the bacillus is located. Guys, mostly, suffer from inflammation of the genitals. Over a long period of time, the symptoms are hidden, but under poor conditions they become demonstrative.

At the initial stage, enterococcus in men does not manifest itself in any way, but over time it becomes noticeable. Signs by which the disease can be determined:

  • difficult urination;
  • unpleasant sensations in the groin and urethra;
  • erection problems;
  • loss of potency;
  • lethargy, weakness, fatigue;
  • urine color change;
  • pain during defecation.

There are symptoms that are characteristic of a certain disease. Enterococcus in the prostate:

  • testicular pain in men;
  • burning sensation after sex;
  • discomfort in the perineum;
  • urination disorders;
  • orgasm failure;
  • purulent discharge.

Enterococci in men in the urethra:

  • diseases during urination;
  • discharge;
  • irritation in the urethra.

With balanitis, patients have complaints of pain, redness, swelling, discharge in the penis. With orchoepididimitis for testicular inflammation, dull pain in the scrotum. If the disease is chronic, then there is a possibility of blood in the sperm.

How does the pathogen enter the reproductive system?

There may be such reasons for infection:

  • improper hygiene;
  • violation of intestinal microflora;
  • unprotected sexual contact;
  • transmission from mother to child;
  • organ transplantation (rare).

Enterococcus fecalis affects representatives of the stronger sex who neglect hygiene. Those who rarely take a shower, the bacillus attacks in the urethra and prostate. During water procedures, it is better to use a special soap or gel that kills germs. To prevent them from having a chance to develop, it is necessary to wash your hands after the toilet.

Intestinal microflora is disturbed with prolonged use of antibiotics. Under their influence, the necessary bacteria die, and enterococci take their place. At this point, the inflammatory process develops. In addition, frequent changes in the body occur due to the change of sexual partners. The main representative may still be Staphylococcus.

When enterococci enter the genitals, they stay there for several hours or weeks. This condition is called temporary carrier. A person transmits inflammation to his partner during sex. In this case, the disease can be detected only by high-precision methods.

The rarest case of infection with a harmful microorganism is organ transplantation. Thanks to such an operation, the bacterium can pass from a sick donor to a healthy person. This is mainly due to kidney transplantation, coronary artery bypass grafting (restoration of blood flow in the arteries of the heart), reconstructive surgery (surgery to restore pelvic floor functions).


Infectious disease specialists are working on this disease, but a urologist and a venereologist should also be visited. In order to identify it, it is necessary to pass tests:

  • spermogram;
  • seeding of prostate secretions;
  • general blood and urine analysis
  • smear from the anus and urethra.

A spermogram is the only method to identify a man’s inability to fertilize and the presence of infectious diseases (including fecal enterococci). Usually, the results of this study are ready the next day. In urgent cases, after 3-5 hours. There are two ways to surrender. The first one is to collect the biomaterial at home, take it to the clinic, the second one is to be handed over immediately in the laboratory. In order to pass the analysis correctly, the following rules must be observed:

  • abstain from sexual intercourse for several days;
  • give up alcohol, medicines, saunas and baths;
  • avoid hypothermia;
  • take a shower before research, especially rinse the genitals well;
  • donate sperm only in a sterile container;
  • collect by masturbation;
  • place all biomaterial in a container without touching its walls.

To identify the source of infection in the secret of the prostate, bakposev is taken. It is needed so that the doctor can prescribe effective treatment. The collection is carried out by massage of the prostate gland. The patient should relax and lie on his side, while bending his knees. Juice is released, which is necessary to determine the sensitivity of the body to antibiotics.

Blood for analysis is taken on an empty stomach, preferably in the morning. Before delivery, you must not smoke for at least an hour, and exclude alcohol. Urine is also given in the morning. You need to take a thorough shower. The day before, remove foods from the diet that may affect the color of urine.

Before taking a smear from the anus, it must be thoroughly washed with soap and water. Then a probe is inserted 2.5-4 cm deep and gently rotated for 10 seconds to obtain the desired material. The urethra is injected to a depth of 1-1.5 cm, turning it several times. This procedure is performed 2-3 hours after urination.


For effective treatment of the disease, it is necessary to conduct a diagnosis to determine how to cure enterococcus. To do this, it is advisable to go to the doctor and take tests, as well as undergo a study determining sensitivity to antibiotics and a laboratory examination.

With negative results, it is not necessary that enterococcus is the cause of a certain problem. If the tests did not show the source of the infection, then the diagnosis should be repeated. Only after excluding other harmful bacilli, a course of treatment is prescribed to eliminate the bacterium.

Treatment of the disease

Only after enterococcus is detected and confirmed by diagnosis, the urologist prescribes treatment. This is done because the bacillus can be found in a non-ill man and be normal. With a weak manifestation of the disease, one drug is enough, but if it turns out to be ineffective, then there is an option to supplement with another or several.

If the infection is mixed, a separate medication is selected for each pathogen. There are three rules of how to treat enterococcus in the stronger sex:

  • antibacterial therapy drugs of the bacteriophage group (viruses that feed on certain bacilli) are selected, which are used for a long time;
  • medicines gels, ointments, candles are used, they normalize the microflora and heal the mucous membrane of the genitals;
  • methods aimed at improving immunity taking vitamins that improve the body.